Stoney Creek Total Eclipse

Stoney Creek Total Eclipse

Apr 7-8, 2024

With all the hype leading up to the total eclipse in Southern Ontario, many of the more scenic viewing locations were booked far in advance at a hefty premium. Our home in Toronto was just outside the area of totality, so it was worth a small detour to attempt to get the full experience. When I was able to find an inexpensive hotel in the Stoney Creek area of Hamilton, next to Confederation Park on Lake Ontario, it was a great option. We drove out on Sunday night in time to check in and have dinner near the hotel.

Apr 8

Breakfast in the hotel was busy with eclipse chasers who had traveled from around the world to experience totality. The morning skies were quite cloudy, but the forecast for the area was promising for the eclipse time — with no guarantees. I worked from the hotel room for the morning, and after grabbing lunch, we explored Confederation Park to stake out viewing options.

In addition to the total darkness, it was very cool listening to the birds scrambling in reaction to the sudden, unexpected darkness. Shortly after totality, the clouds closed in on the sun and we had no further view of the remaining partial eclipse. With all of the cloud in the area, many of the more prime locations like Niagara Falls got barely a glimpse of totality, so we left very satisfied with our lucky experience, and were back in Toronto before rush hour.

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