

Jul 8-10

West Jet has brought the price of travel from Houston to Calgary down considerably and we decided to take advantage of the cheap fares to enjoy the weekend.  I flew out early on Friday and caught up with my friend Marlene, who had moved from Toronto to Calgary for work when I moved to Houston.  She graciously hosted us on Friday night, and on Saturday we headed back to Montana and Glacier National Park.  The weather was a little iffy at high elevations, but we managed to have a few great hikes in our short visit and made it back in time for our evening flights home.

Jul 9

After staying over in Calgary, we headed out pretty early for Montana.  After a very silly delay at the border, we drove right to Glacier National Park.

After a full day of exploring the park, we stayed overnight in Kalispell to the west of the park.

Jul 10

On our way back to Calgary, we headed back into the park and did a morning hike on the Avalanche Lake Trail.  

After exploring the park, we drive back to Calgary for our evening flights back to Houston and Toronto

Vancouver Island

Vancouver Island

