Blackville, NB
Jul 26-30, 2007
Following last summer’s trip to Candle Lake, this was the second recent family reunion on my mother’s side of the family. My parent’s hosted it this time at their house in New Brunswick and since there wasn’t room for everyone at the house we also borrowed my cousin Denise’s place and the cottages of my parents friends. Although the summer had been cold until then, summer arrived when we did and we had record breaking heat and sunny weather until Sunday afternoon when we got a little rain. Although not everyone was able to make it, we did have a good turn out, including my cousin Miles from South Korea. We had a great weekend with lots of good food, conversations and games. Although there have been some discussions on the next reunion, not sure when or where the next one will be, but we will certainly try to make it. The camera only came out a few times, so I don’t have pictures of everyone, but I’ve included some highlights. Leisure travel is on hold until October so we can put some time on the house.
Me, Kim, Neil, Patricia, Cathy along the river
The Miramichi river from my parents’ property in Blackville
William, the youngest guest
Patricia and William
Brian and Kerrie finishing their canoe trip
Lea and Wally
Joe, Dorsey and my Dad
Karen and Roger
Jade on the water pump moved from Corval, SK
Joe and Cathy practicing
James, William and Patricia
Katherine with her brother William
William relaxing after dinner
Lea, my mother and Wally
Additional photos from Dorsey

Additional photos from Jane
Additional photos from Jean
Additional photos from Renate

Additional photos from Wally