Washington DC

Washington DC

Nov 4-6

There are lots of convenient flight options from both Toronto and Houston to DC, and although we’ve been to Washington a number of times, we still found new things to do.  Although we were well into fall, the weather was still quite pleasant.

Nov 5

After breakfast, we moved from our airport hotel into the city, checked in to the hotel and went out to explore the city on foot.

After a long day of walking, we had a relaxing evening in the hotel.  

Nov 6

The morning was a bright but a little chilly, but that didn't stop me from going for an early morning run along the Mall.  I don't normally run outside, but the combination of cool weather and wonderful running paths was a welcome option.  After our workouts, we decided to spend the rest of the trip touring the Newseum News Museum before heading to the airport.

We could have used a couple more hours to explore the museum, but it was definitely worth the time we were able to spend there.  After the museum, we quickly made our way to the airport for our flights home.



Abu Dhabi, Doha, Bahrain

Abu Dhabi, Doha, Bahrain