Los Angeles

Los Angeles

Mar 23-25


Although we had already spent a lot of time in California in 2018, I was very interested in seeing George Takei in the play Allegiance that dramatizes some of what he and his family experienced during WWII. To get to the play, we decided to take the subway into town, which was a first for us and surprisingly easy. There were protest marches in the area, so we were happy to be on the train. We also explored some new downtown neighbourhoods, including Little Tokyo, where the play was staged. The play was great and well worth the trip.

March 24

After staying overnight by the airport, we headed to the beach near Marina Del Ray. I had been there for my conference earlier in the month, but Tom had never visited, so thought we would check out the beach. We had a nice walk on the beach before heading to downtown LA and our play.

Mar 25

We headed back to the beach around Venice for a nice walk and quick blast of sun before heading home.

After exploring the beach, we headed to the airport and our flights back home.



San Diego

San Diego