New York City

New York City

Jun 20-22

Continuing with our Broadway and hotel driven stints to New York, we were tempted back to Broadway by the a star studded cast and the Andaz 5th Avenue.  The play was Realistic Joneses and starred Toni Collette who I first saw in Muriel’s Wedding and have loved since.  It also had the amazing Michael C. Hall and Marisa Tomei.  We had amazing seats just a few feet from the stage and although we enjoyed it and the play was well acted, the story was was very odd.  This time we balanced with a much lighter off-Broadway show, Heathers: The Musical, a very fun take on the Heathers movie. 

Jun 20-21
Evening flight to NYC, Saturday in the theatre

Jun 22
Spend the morning exploring Manhattan

Jun 22
Afternoon flights home



Bermuda & Hawaii

Bermuda & Hawaii