

April 2-4, 2010
Mar 30 AC8113 YYZ-IAH,
Apr 6 AC8112 IAH-YYZ

As I had meetings in Houston both before and after the Easter weekend, it was a good excuse to stay in Texas for the long weekend.  Tom flew into Houston on Thursday night and we drove to Austin Friday morning.  My parents were in Texas for part of their winter holiday, so we were all able to meet up at my uncle’s house in Austin.  He and his partner Dorsey have a lovely house not far from downtown so we got some good walks and explored the city.  It was time for the spring flowers and they were in full bloom on the drive from Houston; unfortunately people were paying more attention to the flower than the roads, making for some pretty dangerous driving.  We survived and had a great visit.  Tom went home on Sunday evening and I went back to work.  

April 2-4
Drive to Austin with Tom and have the long weekend together

April 4
Drive back to Houston and Tom flies back to Houston and I head back to work


Orange County & Los Angeles

Orange County & Los Angeles

Vietnam & South Korea

Vietnam & South Korea