Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

Oct 17-19

In June, I spent two weeks in Arizona for a training course and had a weekend outing to the Grand Canyon.  It became clear from that trip that there were a number of areas in the National Park that Tom and I had missed on our previous trips to the Grand Canyon.  On our last trip to the South Rim, we had to adjust our plans to avoid a late spring snow storm and missed the east portion of the park.  Knowing what we missed, I planned a return weekend trip with Tom when the weather was cooler.  For this trip, we entered and left from the eastern entrance and explored more of the rim.  On this trip I also took Tom into the canyon on the Grandview trail that I had explored in June.  Although we almost wore ourselves out with the hiking, we had a great weekend.

Oct 17-18
Afternoon flights to Phoenix and early morning drive to the Grand Canyon

Oct 19
After a nice evening in the village up very early for sunrise

Oct 19
Drive back to Phoenix and return home

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Abu Dhabi & India

Lake Louise

Lake Louise