
Sep 11-14 AC8910 YYZ-YQM AC8957 YFC-YYZ

Atlantic Canada had done a pretty good job at avoiding a spike in COVID-19 for much of 2020, mostly by keeping their borders closed to outsiders. Unfortunately, this meant that family visits were limited to Zoom calls. Thankfully, they did allow exceptions for family travel, but we were strictly quarantined to the property between arriving and departing from the airport. We weren’t looking our COVID best so didn’t end up with any family photos, but we captured a few images from my parents’ property where we enjoyed family time with games and lots of great food.

Sep 11

After we cleared the screening process, my sister was able to pick us up in Moncton and drive us to my parents’ house in Blackville.

Sep 14

To get back to Toronto, my parents drove us to Fredericton and we left them to isolate for the a few days until they were certain that we hadn’t brought COVID from our travels. Although this was our only family travel for the year, we were certainly grateful that we were able to get together safely.

Thunder Bay

Thunder Bay

Around Toronto - Toronto Zoo

Around Toronto - Toronto Zoo