

Jun 30-Jul 3

July 4th is the normal time for the big family gathering in Iowa, but with July 4th on a Tuesday we centered the events around the weekend.  This worked well with the timing of the Canada Day holiday.  This time we flew into Kansas City.  I went in late Friday night and Tom took the first flight out Saturday morning.  I picked him up and we drove to Tom's parents in Des Moines.  Although not all the nieces and nephews made it, we did have a pretty good turnout including some new additions to the family for the big event including the annual croquet competition.  

July 2

Tom captured most of the pictures during the competition on Sunday, and we ended with a nice barbecue at Tom's parents place.

July 3

We headed back to Kansas City in the morning, before taking off on our afternoon flights to Toronto and Houston.

Alberta Rockies

Alberta Rockies

Canadian Rockies

Canadian Rockies