Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro

Jun 24-26

With the 2016 Olympics just a few months away, we wanted to get a preview of the sporting venues.  We had been in Beijing just prior to the 2008 Olympics and enjoyed the opportunity to get the lay of the land before we watched on TV.  With the Olympics, there were a number of new hotels including a Hyatt that put us in a different part of the city.  In addition to the sporting venues, we checked out a park and beach south west of the city.  Although we were continually mindful of our safety, we had an uneventful trip and enjoyed the pleasant weather.

Jun 25

After our overnight flight to Rio, we get to the hotel in time for a late breakfast and then spend the day exploring the area and finding our way into the Olympics construction site.

Jun 26

After seeing all of the sites that we wanted to see on Saturday, we had a very low key day around the resort.

After a relaxing afternoon, we take an Uber to the airport and take the overnight flight to Houston, and Tom continues onto Toronto.



Wales and northern England

Wales and northern England