Yukon & Alaska

Yukon & Alaska

Jun 22-24, 2012

In December, Aeroplan had an unannounced sale where they offered business class reward seats for the same number of points as economy.  Even without a sale, the best value for points comes from flying to remote locations where the traditional ticket prices are usually quite high.  After going to Yellowknife in 2010, I wanted to continue our tour of the provinces and territories of Canada, so decided to try for Whitehorse when the sale came around.  Once I decided to go to Whitehorse I decided I might as well go near the spring equinox and picked the June 22nd weekend.  Being there on close to the longest day made for a pretty cool experience, and we happened to end up there with some of the best weather they had all summer.  Whitehorse doesn’t normally get hot weather, so without air conditioning and with an 11pm sunset, it made for quite a warm sleeping night.  In addition to exploring the Whitehorse area and visiting with my friend Jeannette, we had a great day trip to Skagway, Alaska.  

Jun 22
Morning flight to Whitehorse with the afternoon and evening in Whitehorse

Jun 23
With a beautiful day ahead, we headed for Skagway

Jun 24
Morning in Whitehorse and then home via Vancouver

Late arrival in Toronto ended a beautiful long weekend




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