
Sep 15-17

After our trip to Australia, I went right to San Francisco for a conference, and from there right back to Toronto and on to New Brunswick.  This was always as planned, but did extend by time away from Houston, still recovering from hurricane flooding.  It had been a number of years since I had spent any time in the Bay of Fundy, and my parents had a great idea of renting cottages and having a long weekend of hiking and family time.  As well as the family time, including a visit with my sister’s new dog, we also benefited by having the guide of long-time family friends that lived near the park, who actually had a previous family home inside the park grounds that pre-dated the national park.  With a support vehicle and guide, we were able to do an extended one-way hike and fully enjoyed the park and time together.

Sep 15

After our morning flight in, we checked into the hotel, and had time for a nice 7.4km hike to Third Vault Falls to build up an appetite before dinner. It was a nice cool temperature for a hike and long enough to unwind from the journey.

Sep 16

After a nice dinner and some games with my family the night before, and a hearty breakfast, we were ready for a full day of hiking along the coastal trail. We started at the beach and hiked along the coast, with some decent elevation changes. We were met with our lunch half way through, and finally made it to our car at the end of the trail.

Sep 17

Not quite tired out from yesterday’s hike, we had enough time for a quick hike in the morning and for Tom to capture some pictures of Quinn, the newest addition to my sister’s family. After a morning of hiking, we grabbed a quick seafood lunch before heading to Moncton for our flights home.



Hong Kong, Australia, and Beijing

Hong Kong, Australia, and Beijing