

February 12-15, 2010

With the Family Day holiday it was a nice time to plan for a long weekend.  As I was now in the mode of using up my hard-earned free nights, Paris and its wonderful Park Hyatt hotel seemed like a winner.  The really good seat sale tipped the balance and we had a great long weekend.  Although not by design, it happened to also be Valentine's Day which had the city full of romantics.  Our last trip to Paris was also on Valentine's Day, but this time the weather was more winter- than spring-like.  It didn't stop us from walking the city and enjoying the extended time.  Apparently this wasn't a really original thought as strangely our flight itinerary (both there and back) and hotel choice lined up perfectly with someone we see at the gym most days - it was really weird seeing him everywhere we turned around, but I guess great minds think alike.  

February 12-13
Overnight flight to Paris and the day walking the city

February 14
A full day walking around Paris with a nice dinner out

February 15
slow start to the day and we flew back to Toronto and me on to Houston


Vancouver Olympics

Vancouver Olympics

Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Palm Springs

Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Palm Springs