Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs

Jun 28-30

After focusing several weekends on setting me up in Houston, it was now time to settle into a more regular travel schedule.  We basically have divided up the weekends to be in Houston, Toronto or somewhere else.  This was our first somewhere else trip that had Tom starting in Toronto and me in Houston.  My flights from Houston were very easy and on time, but unfortunately, Tom had some equipment and weather problems that conspired against him.  In the end, after moving to a different flight and a chance redirection of his first flight directly to Colorado Springs instead of connecting in Denver, it worked out much better than it could have, but it turned into a very late night.  On Saturday, the storm clouds abated for a while and we headed up Pikes Peak.  This turned out to be a little more crowded than a typical day, as it was the race weekend for Pikes Peak International Hill Climb auto race up and down the mountain.  The road up the mountain was the main race course, so we got to travel the route and see the race preparations.  We then headed through the mountains to Breckenridge and found some sunny weather, and on Sunday morning headed up the peak to find the last remnants of snow.   We then had to fight the traffic to get me to Denver for my flight back to Houston, and Tom headed to Colorado Springs before heading home to Toronto on Canada Day.

Jun 28-29
Evening flight to Colorado Springs with Saturday to explore the mountains

Jun 30
Morning in Breckenridge and then make our way back to Denver

Jun 30
Evening flight back to Houston from Denver



London, Seychelles, Ethiopia

London, Seychelles, Ethiopia