

Aug 24-27

Since my first visit to Vancouver in 1986, I've enjoyed coming back and usually end up here about once a year.  We're often here when the weather isn't quite summer beautiful, but this trip we were very lucky and had an amazing summer weekend.  Unfortunately, while Vancouver was enjoying wonderful weather, Houston was under the threat of Hurricane Harvey.  We are very fortunate and had the opportunity and means for me to get out of Houston before the storm arrived, and did not have to return until well after the storm.  Although our mind was on our friends in Houston, we tried to make the most of the weekend, and truly didn't appreciate the severity and consequences of the storm until the end of the weekend.  To get ahead of the storm, I arrived on Thursday night and worked from Vancouver, before Tom arrived on Friday night.

August 26

After a staying near the airport on my first two nights we headed into the city and checked into our hotel as early as we could.  Having spent a lot of time on Vancouver Harbour, we often watch the seaplanes take off and land, and have always been intrigued by the experience.  On the spur of the moment, we headed to the terminal and found a flight tour of the area that went up the coast, over the mountains and landed in the Indian Arm of the inlet.  Prior to our departure, we had some time to get out and enjoy the sunny weather.

August 27

Although I had a confirmed ticket back to Houston on Sunday afternoon, it was clear that it was not safe to return at that time, and in fact, the Houston airport was closed.  At the time, it wasn't clear how long it would be closed, but Air Canada still had a flight scheduled to leave Toronto on Monday morning.  With a stated goal of getting back to Houston, I convinced Air Canada to move my flight to a Toronto connection, with a plan to play it by ear.  Tom and I both headed to Toronto on separate flights.  When I finally got back to Toronto, the severity of the storm in Houston was far more clear, my Monday morning flight was cancelled, and I was happy to be safely home in Toronto.  As the office in Houston was closed for the week, I was able to work from Toronto, prior to starting our planned vacation later that week. 

Hong Kong, Australia, and Beijing

Hong Kong, Australia, and Beijing

