Wales and northern England

Wales and northern England

May 6-10

We had planned a longer trip to the England and Wales, but unfortunately we had a sick cat at home and decided that she couldn’t be left at home for a full 10 days.  We compromised with a focus on Wales.  We really enjoyed the beautiful scenery and historic cities of Wales, but decided that we’d head back through Liverpool on our way to our flight from Heathrow.  Although Wales is known for the rainy and cold weather, we managed to stay away from rain for most of the trip.  Our only significant rain was on the last day’s drive, so we didn’t really miss out on anything.  We’ll plan another trip to check out the Lake Region.

May 7

After our overnight flight, breakfast and a shower we picked up our car and started our drive towards Cardiff.

After a long day of travel we wound down with a nice meal and some drinks before settling down for the evening.

May 8

We spent the day making our way across Wales to Conwy enjoying the beautiful sites along the way.  In addition to beautiful scenery, we also were very lucky with the weather as we continued to stay ahead of the rain.

May 9

We adjusted our plans a little bit and decided to finish up in Wales by exploring Conwy, check out Snowdonia National Park and end the day in Liverpool. 

May 10

Our luck in avoiding the rain ran out on our last day, but we spent the majority of it driving back to Heathrow.  Despite the heavy rains, there weren't any serious traffic delays and we dropped off the rental car and made our flights to Toronto and for me onto Houston.

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro

