Zurich & Athens

Zurich & Athens

Dec 26, 2012 - Jan 2, 2013
Dec 26 AC878 YYZ-ZRH,
Dec 28 LX1830 ZRH-ATH,
Jan 2 LH1285 ATH-FRA, LH470 ATH-FRA

For our annual New Year's trip we decided to head to Greece.  After a great trip to Turkey earlier in the year, Greece was a natural European destination.  Because of the flight schedule we actually started with a day in Zurich before continuing on to Athens.  Zurich in the Christmas season was a nice transition to the warmer weather of Greece.  Although Christmas was over, there were still some Christmas markets set up.  After we arrived in Athens, we quickly forgot about Christmas and delved into ancient Greece.  In addition to Athens, the ancient cities of Delphi and Olympia were also major highlights of the trip.  We were also a little surprised to find ourselves in ski country on our way to Olympia.  Luckily, the roads weren't too bad and it was an interesting contrast to the historical sites.  We had a quiet New Year's Eve before heading back to Athens for our last day and flight home to Toronto.

Dec 26-27
Overnight flight to Zurich and day to explore the city

Dec 28
Morning flight to Athens and afternoon in the city

Dec 29
Last full day in Athens starting at the Acropolis

Dec 30
After a somewhat rainy and snowy drive to Delphi we tour the Sanctuary of Apollo

Dec 31
Day trip to Olympia from Delphi

Jan 1
After a relatively calm New Year’s eve in small town of Delphi, travel back to Athens

Jan 2
Very early morning flight to Toronto via Frankfurt




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