Nova Scotia

Aug 1 AC616 YYZ-YHZ, Aug 4 AC621 YHZ-YYZ, AC595 YYZ-IAH

Since my sister doesn’t travel that frequently, we try to get to the East Coast to visit my family each summer. Her dog makes it a little easier for us to meet at her house in Nova Scotia rather than my parents’ place in New Brunswick. Although often we try into New Brunswick as the flights were a little better we flew into Halifax and stayed there overnight to avoid the night time drive.

Aug 3

To get a little bit of exercise, we went for a nice long walk up the mountain road. Although we’ve done the hike multiple times my father, sister and I went for a side trip to a waterfall next to the trail. It was a nice break and we managed to work off some of the great food that Kim and Cathy had been feeding us since our arrival.

After returning from the beach we finished the day with some food and games.

Aug 4

We continued the trend of starting the morning with a walk up the mountain road and made it up to the blueberry patch.

After lunch we drove back to Halifax to catch our flight to Toronto and for me on to Houston.

Germany, Iceland

Germany, Iceland

