
July 3-6, 2008

This was our normal July 4th weekend, actually on the 4th for a change.  However, the trip did not start out well, as we got a rental car with brakes that tended to get stuck.  It took us a while to convince ourselves that the car was bad, so we lost a few hours and didn't get into Iowa City until after midnight, missing that evening’s festivities.  We did, however, enjoy July 4th at the University Athletic club pool with the family.  We played a number of games and enjoyed some good food.  That night we stayed downtown and enjoyed an amazing fireworks show.  Even with the entire Midwest recovering from the major spring flooding, the city managed to put on a remarkable 40-minute show.  We headed back to Tom's parents’ house on the 5th and enjoyed some time together before heading back to Kansas City and flying home to Toronto.

Las Vegas & Utah

