

Apr 14-17, 2023

After a busy travel start to 2023, we found an opportunity to head to New Brunswick and have a delayed celebration of my mother’s 80th birthday. We flew in on Friday afternoon and joined the rest of the family.

Apr 14

Before we arrived, Kim and Cathy had some time together with my parents in Fredericton and captured a few photos.

Tom’s and my flight arrived in time for a late dinner and some games with the family.

Apr 15

For Saturday, we had time for some walks in the local trail network and to get ready for the small birthday celebration planned for that evening.

Although the celebration was small, we had a great visit and were so happy that we were able to be together to celebrate the major birthday milestone.

Apr 16

With the official celebrations over, we had a pretty low key last full day and visited and also went for a nice walk downtown.

After lunch, Kim and Cathy made their way home, and Tom and I had nice evening with the family for our last night.

Apr 17

The first flight of the day from Fredericton leaves very early, so it was an early wakeup to get to the airport and to head home to Toronto in time for a full day of work.



Amsterdam and The Hauge

Amsterdam and The Hauge