Mississauga and Elora

Mississauga and Elora

Nov 19-20, 2022

My cousin has been together with her partner for a number of years, and with COVID restrictions relaxed, she moved forward with a small wedding starting with a reception party.

Nov 19

With my parents in town, we made our way to Mississauga, connected with other family members and enjoyed a wonderful party.

After the party, we stayed overnight in Mississauga.

Nov 20

We had to deal with a bit of snow covered roads, but we all safely made our way back to the Knox Presbyterian Church in Elora for the formal ceremony and a lovely reception dinner. Tom let the formal photographer take over, but I captured a few family photos on my iPhone.

With the roads now cleared, we headed back to Toronto ready for work on Monday morning and had a few more days with my parents in town.

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