San Marino and Ireland

San Marino and Ireland

San Marino and Ireland
May 11-20 AC876 YYZ-FRA, LH2520 MUC-DUB, LH979 DUB-FRA, AC877 FRA-YYZ

I stumbled into a quirky inexpensive business class fare from Toronto to Dublin via Frankfurt.  Rather than just going to Ireland, I built travel with a road trip starting and ending in Germany and getting us to San Marino, our last micro-state in Europe. San Marino was much more than we expected, and we also got to explore new parts of Ireland including Northern Ireland, further adding to our country count.  Also, as a paid business class ticket out of Toronto, we were back to the Signature lounge, where we tried some new menu items and shared the bar area with Michael Buble. 

May 12

After our overnight flight from Toronto, we got a little extra rest before picking up the rental car and driving to Switzerland. Thanks to the longer days, although we arrived in the evening, we still got to explore some of Luzern before having a nice dinner in the old town.

May 13

Continuing our way to San Marino, we made our way from Switzerland to Reggio Emilia in northern Italy, stopping along the way to taste the food and admire the mountain scenery.

May 14

After staying overnight in the suburbs of Reggio Elimia, we continued south to San Marino, stopping to tour Rimini near the Mediterranean coast, leaving enough time to in the afternoon to explore San Marino.

May 15

Enjoying the views from San Marino, we have the morning to wander a little more, and then we start our journey back towards Germany with a relatively long drive to Innsbruck. We ended up changing our plans on the fly, as there was heavy rain in Fussen, Germany our original destination. It worked out well, as although we drove through some rain, we had a clear evening in Innsbruck.

May 16

After a rainy drive back to Frankfurt, we had a midday flight to Dublin and a much sunnier drive to Galway, where we had a bit of time to walk around before grabbing dinner in the city.

May 17

With another full day and overnight in Galway, we had time to take the Ferry to the Aran Island of Inishmore where we rented bicycles to explore.

May 18

We explored a bit more of the area before making our way slowly to Derry, Northern Ireland, enjoying the scenery along the way.

May 19

For our last full day in Ireland, we started the day exploring the history of the Ireland Troubles in Derry, explored the beautiful Giant’s Causeway, and finally ended the day in Belfast. Defying the Irish weather odds, we had another beautiful day.

May 20

The rain finally caught up to us, but all we had on the schedule was driving to Dublin airport to start our long journey home to Toronto back through Frankfurt.



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