Copenhagen & Stockholm

Copenhagen & Stockholm

Jul 31 - Aug 3 2010

Hating crowds, in the past we've been very reluctant to go to Europe in the summer.  However, when visiting Scandinavia it is hard to avoid the tourist season and we endured the cruise ship hordes.  As we had a pretty short time to visit, we focused on the capitals and choose Copenhagen and Stockholm.  We had a bit of rain in Stockholm, but otherwise had good weather and made the most of our limited time.  I thoroughly enjoyed visiting both cities and we took advantage of the excellent transportation system to cover all that we could, including a side trip from Copenhagen to Roskilde.  In Stockholm we bought a tourist pass that included entry to all the attractions for 24 hours and we really made the most of it, taking in some attractions that we otherwise might not have done.  

Jul 29-30
Overnight flight to Copenhagen, check in at the hotel and train in to the city

Jul 31
Morning train to Roskilde and remainder of time in Copenhagen

Aug 1
Early morning flight and day in Stockholm

Aug 2
Day in Stockholm started with a rainy visit to Skansen folk museum

Aug 3
After a late night, last morning in Stockholm

Aug 3
Afternoon flight home to Toronto via Frankfurt 




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