

Jun 9-12, 2011

Newfoundland is a beautiful province with lots to offer, and although we enjoy the west coast and Gros Morne, I had been wanting to get back to St John’s and the Avalon Peninsula.  One of the more interesting places on the Avalon is Cape St. Mary’s bird reserve which has an incredible collection of birds and amazing scenery, but also very foggy weather.  On our last trip we could only hear the famous birds and experienced only a very brief glimpse of them.  Given the rain and fog that we had on the way I was expecting the same, but this time luck was on our side and after we hiked to the lookout point, the fog finally cleared and we saw all that the island had to offer.  In addition to Cape St. Mary which is a focal point for the trip, we had a great meal in St. John’s and got out to see the puffins, other sea birds and even some humpback whales.

Jun 9-10
After evening flight and overnight in St John’s head to Cape St Mary

Jun 11
After overnighting in Saint Bride’s we head back to St. John’s via Northern Avalon

Jun 12
Started the day with fish and chips and then headed to Witless Bay  

Jun 12
Back home to Toronto at the end of the day




