San Diego

San Diego

Feb 17-19

This February was once again the month of California, and we had two back to back weekends in the Southern California area.  On this trip, we dealt with some pretty crazy record-setting rains in LA, and although my flight to Houston wasn’t impacted, Tom had a very late arrival.  The rains, though heavy, didn’t do any damage to the roads between LA and San Diego. The weather cleared up for most of the rest of the time, and we had a great walk along the beach.  We stayed downtown together for the first time in a number of years, so explored some area along the waterfront that we hadn’t visited before, and even managed to walk from the airport to the hotel after dropping off our rental car, enjoying some plane spotting on the way. 

Feb 18

After an overnight stay by LAX, we got a relatively early start to get ahead of traffic and made our way to downtown San Diego.  After checking in, we headed back out the beach before dropping off the rental car and made our way back to the hotel.  Unfortunately, the skies opened up for part of our walk, but we still enjoyed the time.

Feb 19

Being right on the water, we had another chance to walk around the area and enjoy the warm weather before catching an Uber for our flights home.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles

Milan & Shanghai

Milan & Shanghai