Vancouver Olympics

Vancouver Olympics

February 27-28, 2010

The Winter Olympics were in Vancouver for 2010, and although I had thought about going, I had decided that it was just too difficult and expensive to get accommodations and flights so decided to skip it.  However, after we got back from Paris, I was starting to feel the hype and regretting my decision.  Some quick research found out that there were some reasonable flights out the final Saturday of the Games, and that we could practically have the whole day there and fly back on the red eye home without the need of a hotel room.  We arrived shortly after 9:00am, departed shortly after midnight and enjoyed every minute of it.  Although we didn't have tickets to anything, Canada won three gold medals that day and the city was electric.  I also got to shake hands with some Olympians and touched a gold medal.  Having more time would have been great, but I definitely don't regret going one bit.   

February 27
We fly out on the 7:00 am flight and arrive in Vancouver at 9:00 am 

February 28
Flight is delayed past midnight, but we’re back home in Toronto by 8:00 am 


Vietnam & South Korea

Vietnam & South Korea

