Deer Lake & Gros Morne

Deer Lake & Gros Morne

September 24-28, 2009

Although going to Europe in the summer had the risks of big crowds, we knew going to Newfoundland in late September wasn’t going to be crowded.  However, there was a high probability of very cold weather.  In the end we were actually pretty lucky with comfortable hiking weather (at least at normal altitudes) and only a little bit of rain (outside of the park).  The trip was all about Gros Morne National Park where we last visited in 2004.  We spent most of our time there and enjoyed some amazing hikes.  Unlike our last two trips to Newfoundland, this time we saw moose! The biggest hike we did was climbing Gros Morne Mountain and it was definitely a challenge.  The loose rocks we had to climb seemed to go on for ever and when we got the top (at 807m / 2,648 ft) we were greeted with bitter cold and a piercing wind.  Luckily we followed the advice of the park staff and took all of our layers; however, for the 30 minutes at the top, I would have happily taken a few more layers.  On the way down we had a close encounter with a very large moose, who thankfully didn’t use the trail at the same time we needed to.  Although we were sore after, we still managed a few more hikes before the early morning flight back to work on Monday morning.

Sept 25
After a late flight into Deer Lake on the 24th we start our day in the park

Sept 26
The bulk of the day was spent on the Gros Morne Mountain Hike

Sept 27
One last full day in the park 

Sept 28
After overnighting in Deer Lake we take a very early flight to Toronto through Halifax


New York City

New York City

Venice, Croatia, Slovenia

Venice, Croatia, Slovenia