Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia

Aug 3-6, 2012

With all of my trips to more exotic places this year, it still is nice to devote some time to seeing family.  As we had used up much of our vacation for longer trips, we used the long weekend in August for this trip.  We stayed in Halifax the night before with my cousin, and had a nice visit with his family before my family arrived with my aunt.  We had a tasty brunch and then headed out together to my sister’s house.  The weather was quite nice for most of the weekend so we got to enjoy the outdoors and explore more of my sister’s property and went for a long walk in the woods. 

Aug 3-4
Evening flight to Halifax with Saturday in Halifax and Glencoe

Aug 5
Day relaxing around my sister’s place in Glencoe

Aug 6
Last day in Nova Scotia and evening flight home


South Africa

South Africa

New York

New York