Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia

Dec 21-26

For Christmas we headed to my sister's house in Nova Scotia.  To get there we flew to Moncton where my parents met us to continue the journey.  Although it was wintery, the weather wasn't too cold.  We had lots of time together for some walks near the property, good food and games as always.  I also made a small error in introducing the dog Skye to some cat games on my iPad.   Apparently cat games are also fun for dogs and had Skye convinced that there was something inside the iPad that needed to be eliminated.  We spent the rest of the visit hiding the iPads from the dog.  To work off some of our food, we had a nice long hike to MacPhersons Lake and this time, unlike our last trip, we actually made it to the lake.  On Boxing Day, after a nice Christmas together, we headed back to Toronto and onto Zurich and Athens.

Dec 21
Morning flight to Moncton and drive to Nova Scotia with my parents

Dec 26
light back to Toronto to fly on to Athens

Zurich & Athens

Zurich & Athens

