

December 5-8, 2009

With all of our various travels, we had not yet made it to a Caribbean island.  Not being ones to lie on the beach or by the pool, there hadn’t been a real draw.  However, the 50 Places list did say that I need to see the Barbados before I die, so who am I to argue?  Although winter hadn’t hit hard yet, getting away in December is always a good idea, and the weather in Barbados was extraordinary.  The non-stop flight was great, with upgrades that cleared, and we got a brush with Canadian celebrity.  Rick Mercer and his partner/producer Gerald Lunz were on the flight down to Barbados.  Given how much he makes fun of Air Canada I wondered how the flight attendants might treat him, but they confirmed he was a nice guy and very frequent traveller with them.  The weather in Barbados was wonderful and we did get out and explore some the prettier parts of the island.  Unless we become more water people, I’m not sure I’m going to rush back to the Caribbean, but it cannot be beat for the winter weather.    

December 5
Fly to Bridgetown in the morning after customs; make it to the hotel by 3pm

December 6
We rent a car for the day (clockwise) and brave the somewhat crazy drivers

December 7
We have the day around the resort and in Bridgetown

December 8
quiet morning at the hotel before taking taxi back to the airport and flying home




Iowa City & Des Moines

Iowa City & Des Moines