Phoenix and Tucson

Phoenix and Tucson

March 20-23, 2008

Although March was getting a little packed with travel, this was the second of our Sun Pass trips and with the record snow piling up in Toronto I wasn't complaining about the pace of travel.  On Friday before heading to Tucson we did some shopping and had an amazing lunch at Cyclo Vietnamese restaurant in Chandler, a small suburb of Phoenix.   The atmosphere is really plain and the service very casual, but the food is very good.  We then headed to Tucson for a tour of the Pima Air and Space Museum.  On Saturday we visited a friend from University now living in Phoenix and had a good visit and enjoyed another amazing meal - this time at Chino Bandido an interesting blend of Chinese and Mexican.   We purchased wine for import on our way back to Toronto via Calgary, but unfortunately missed our connection.  After some drama I got out on the last flight of day and unfortunately, Tom was pushed back to the red-eye. 

Mar 21
Pictures of our trip to the Pima Air and Space Museum

Home to Toronto on Sunday



