New York

New York

Jul 15-17, 2011

We had a great Broadway trip to New York earlier early in the year and got added to a mailing list for the latest Broadway shows.  During our early trip we had heard rumours of the South Park creators producing a new play about the Mormon religion and were intrigued, but did not act right away to buy tickets at the time.  Later in the spring we watched Jon Stewart on the Daily Show declare that their play the Book of Mormon was the best play on Broadway.   Recognizing the phenomena the play might represent, I booked tickets and planned a trip to New York around it.  Before we made it to the play, the play won a record number of Tony Awards and became the hottest ticket on Broadway and sold out for months.  Luckily the play did not disappoint and despite being what must be the most offensive musical ever written, it was great fun and extremely funny.  We enjoyed the play and through great luck happened to be in New York at the same time as Tom’s brother and sister in law and thus got to also enjoy a nice dinner and drinks with his family.

Jul 15-16
Flight to Newark and overnight in Chelsea.  Saturday in city, Broadway and dinner

Jul 16
After a day walking around Manhattan we take a late flight back to Toronto


Tallinn, Helsinki, St. Petersburg

Tallinn, Helsinki, St. Petersburg

