Blackville, NB

Blackville, NB

December 22-26, 2006

This was our annual Christmas with the family and for the second year we were at my parents’ house in New Brunswick.  We flew into Fredericton and my father was kind enough to drive us to Blackville.  Kim and Cathy drove from Nova Scotia with their recently acquired and often car-sick dog and we all arrived just after lunch.  The winter was also mild in New Brunswick, so no a lot of snow, but a lot of ice -- keeping us in the house for most of the time.  We visited with the family, played lots of cards and ate too much.  On Christmas the snow arrived and carried into Boxing Day, making for a somewhat snowy ride home and a long wait on the ground in Moncton for clearance.  We left about three hours late, but they had to kick off a good portion of the original passengers, and leave our luggage behind. 

San Francisco

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Las Vegas & California

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