Nova Scotia

Dec 24-27

With Christmas being on a Wednesday, and having used up most of our vacation on our Antarctica trip, we decided to fly out first thing on Christmas Eve. We were originally scheduled on the second flight of the day, but managed to get to the airport a little early and moved to the slightly-delayed earlier flight. We landed into some flurries and a little bit of accumulated snow, and a had somewhat slushy ride to my sister’s, but arrived there safely for lunch. My parents had traveled a day earlier to get ahead of the storm, and with everyone there and enough food and drink for weeks, we were able to hunker down and enjoy the time together.

Dec 25

Christmas Day and the entire trip was just with the immediate family and appropriately low key, although, as usual, Cathy did go all out on the food, and we all ate a little too much. Between meals, we had time for more games and to work through a challenging puzzle that was started just before we arrived.

Dec 27

With a longer drive ahead, my parents left shortly after breakfast. Tom and I had a later evening flight, so had more time to visit and to try in earnest to finish the puzzle. Unfortunately, to get to the airport by dusk, we couldn’t finish the puzzle, but did make a big dent. Thankfully, the roads for the drive back were a lot better, and the flight home was on schedule. With the time change, we were back home before too late, and had a small break before our next trip.



Argentina and Uruguay

Argentina and Uruguay