Bangkok & Cambodia

Bangkok & Cambodia

April 15-29, 2006
Apr 15: AC001,NH915 YYZ-NRT-BKK, 
Apr 21: PG944 BKK-REP,
Apr 22: PG947 REP-BKK
Apr 29: TG916,AC859 BKK-LHR-YYZ

This was mostly work, but cannot go that far and not do something interesting on the weekend, so ended up with a holiday in Cambodia (I couldn’t resist) – unfortunately I couldn’t pack a wife (if you don’t get the joke, you’ll need to listen to some Dead Kennedys or move on).  Siem Reap was a cool contrast of third and first world that unfortunately collided in the restrooms where we had lunch, with a good case of food poisoning (apparently running water isn’t required in Cambodian restaurants).  Although I exhausted my boss and coworker and we all spent the second week of the trip with a poor stomach, it was still worth the experience and I got to cross off another of the places from the 50 list.  For good measure, I routed myself home around the world the long way (via London).

Apr 17
Bangkok, touring after arriving late on the 16th, work on the 18th

Apr 22
Siem Reap our one day of touring, arrived the night before



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