Bangkok and Budapest

Bangkok and Budapest

Bangkok: April 20 - April 30, 2007
Budapest: April 30 - May 4, 2007
LH783/3440 BKK-FRA-BUD, LH3443/AC877 BUD-FRA-YYZ

As it was performance appraisal season I needed to complete my annual staff visit to Bangkok.  Luckily, this year I had staff in Budapest that I had to review, so got to take a mini around-the-world trip with a stopover there on the way home from Bangkok.  After helping our travel agents figure it out, it actually didn’t cost much more than a return trip to Thailand.  For Bangkok, I went with the my same manager and colleague as the previous year.  My boss’ wife and Marlene, a friend from work circling the world in the opposite direction, joined us for the second week.  The extra group gave some additional company for the second week’s touring, eating, and shopping.  Not a lot new to see in Thailand, but I really enjoyed Budapest and will definitely go back.  The city is beautiful and seems to be transforming after years of communist neglect; however, the Soviet-era subway cars are a good reminder of the past – you definitely do not want to get any part of your body near the unforgiving doors. 

Apr 21-22
After arriving April 21st, have the 22nd for sightseeing in Bangkok and getting adjusted

Apr 25
After a few days of work, have a corporate team building event

Apr 29
A few more days of work and then my team took us to Ayutthaya 

May 1
Arrive in Budapest mid morning, work for the day and then some late day touring

May 2
Having covered Buda my team took me on a tour of the Pest half of the city

May 4
Work and back to Canada



