Saint Kitts

Saint Kitts

Feb 3-5, 2024

As we are not cruise ship people, and Caribbean holidays are typically built on one week resort holidays, which are of zero interest to me, we’ve been to a relatively small number of the relatively nearby islands. I’d heard wonderful things about Saint Kitts, and they do have a lovely Park Hyatt Resort which I was able to secure with points, so I found a way to make the flights work for a long weekend stay. Saint Kitts would now officially be our 104th country.

Feb 3

The Saint Kitts flight left on the typical Saturday morning bank of Air Canada vacation flights. It is a premium, passenger-heavy destination, but we were lucky enough to have secured some upgrades to business class on the almost five-hour flight. With the time change, lengthy flight, and customs line, it was late afternoon by the time we had our car rental and were on the way to the Park Hyatt.

For our first night, we had lovely seafood dinner with an ocean view.

Feb 4

Although the resort had a relatively small number of guests, the suites were quite large and spread out, so the grounds had a lot of space. I got up early, explored the grounds, and found my way to the gym for a nice exercise class, and when it opened, checked out the spa area and pool. Although I know I’d tire of resort life in a few days, it is great to enjoy in small chunks. Like in Fiji, we also needed to explore the island on our own, so after breakfast, we braved the narrow roads and cruise-ship-driven tourist traffic.

Having successfully navigated the narrow and windy coastal roads through most of the villages and towns of Saint Kitts, we felt quite fine to spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing at the resort, and capped the night off with another nice dinner.

Feb 5

As most of the people that arrive on our Air Canada flight were here for the week, we had to navigate our way home on American Airlines through Miami. It was an early afternoon flight, so we had a bit of time to take advantage of the gym, enjoy breakfast and the ocean views.

After lunch, we headed to the airport, and as uncomfortable as it was, did as instructed and left the rental car in the parking lot with the keys inside to be processed later. The terminal was typical island-small,and we walked right out to the plane, made our way to Miami, and after a relatively short connection, were back in wintery Toronto quite late, but ready for work on Tuesday morning.

Frankfurt and Mainz

Frankfurt and Mainz

Los Angeles

Los Angeles