Moose Jaw

Moose Jaw

Jul 13-15


My mother’s family is very good about getting together regularly around various family events.  My aunt and uncle, Wally and Lea, were celebrating their 50th Anniversary and threw a giant party.  All my aunts and uncles made it out as did the majority of my cousins.  It was a wonderful celebration and great to have such a big family reunion. 

Jul 13

After our arrival into Regina, we made our way to Moose Jaw and headed out to visit the family farm near the small town of Courval

After a full day with family we headed back to the hotel.

Jul 14

Before the party, we had some time to explore Moose Jaw and had a nice walk in River Park and lunch together with the extended family. The 50th Anniversary party was a wonderful celebration and well worth the trip to Moose Jaw

After a fairly late night at the party, we made our way back to the hotel and caught some rest.

Jul 15

Before flying back, we planned for some family time and decided to take a walk in Crescent Park in downtown Moose Jaw, which has been a favourite family walk throughout the years.

After the park, Tom and I made our way back to Regina, and made our way home.

New York City

New York City

