Bermuda & Hawaii

Bermuda & Hawaii

May 24-28
May 24 AC942 YYZ-BDA
May 25 UA1416 BDA-EWR, UA1022 EWR-IAH,
May 26 UA131 IAH-HNL,
May 27-28 UA130 HNL-IAH

Because we are not really into cruise ships, we have only been to a few of the traditional cruise ship ports.  When I found out about a very cheap fare from Bermuda to Hawaii, it seemed like a good opportunity to visit Bermuda for the first time and also get back to Hawaii.  Luckily, there wasn't a huge amount of cruise ship traffic when we were there, so the island was relatively quiet, and we had the chance to explore the historic capital and other areas of the island.  From Bermuda, we made our way to Hawaii and did a nice morning run around Diamond Head, visited the aquarium for the first time and did a spin around Oahu.

May 24
Morning flight to Bermuda and day exploring the area around the hotel

May 25
Continue to explore Bermuda

May 26-27
Day of travel and overnight stay at Hyatt

May 27-28
Overnight flights home

New York City

New York City

