

Nov 22-27

When we head to Iowa for Thanksgiving, as there aren’t direct flights from Toronto, we usually compromise on location.  Minneapolis was convenient for many reasons, but unfortunately late November in Minnesota comes with the risk of snow.  I managed to catch an early flight to get ahead of the storm and thankfully we stayed near the airport the first night before making the drive.   By Wednesday, the roads were clear, and we made it to Iowa City to connect with Tom’s family, celebrate Thanksgiving, and commemorate Tom’s parents 60th anniversary.  For a refreshing change, Tom captured lots of people pictures. 

Nov 23

For our first gathering prior to Thanksgiving, Rick and Rosie hosted a celebration of Bob and Jeanne's 60th anniversary that officially occurred earlier in the year.

Nov 24

After a relaxing morning, we're back at Rick and Rosie's for a Thanksgiving feast and an opportunity to play a fierce game of Scattergories.  

After the Thanksgiving festivities, we headed back to Des Moines to spend time with Tom's parents and then back to Minneapolis for our flights home.  



Washington DC

Washington DC