Iowa City

Iowa City

July 3-5, 2009

This was our normal July 4th family gathering in Iowa City with Tom’s family.  This time we flew in and out of Chicago and made the drive early on the 3rd.  With the exceptions of a few nieces and nephews we had a very good turnout, likely the best in a few years.  Unfortunately, our normal hotel suffered from an overheated common area by the pool that made it too unpleasant for gathering, but luckily Rick (Tom’s brother) and Rosie had a large enough house to host us comfortably.  On the way home, we stopped at Tom’s sister’s house in Libertyville (outside Chicago) and had a nice visit before taking Tom’s niece, Margaret, to the airport with us for her own flight to Louisville, KY.

Jul 3
Fly to Chicago and then drive to Iowa City

Jul 5
Drive to Chicago with a stop in Libertyville before flying home to Toronto


St. Louis, Arkansas, Tennessee

St. Louis, Arkansas, Tennessee

Zurich & Gdansk

Zurich & Gdansk