

Dec 23 AC1654 YYZ-TPA, Dec 26 AC1659 TPA-YYZ

For Christmas this year, we agreed to travel to where my parents are staying in Florida.  Although I enjoyed the extended time in Toronto around the holidays, it was great to get away from the winter weather and to have time with my parents over the holidays.

December 24

Taking advantage of the weather, we took some time to get out and enjoy one of the local parks.

After enjoying the Christmas Eve lights, we bed down for the night, looking forward to Christmas.

December 25

To get out for a nice walk we headed a little further away toward Sarasota to Myakka River State Park. Unfortunately, due to recent heavy rains, portions of the park were flooded, so we couldn’t get to the elevated walkways that the park is known for. We were still able to have great walk to work off some of the Christmas calories.

My parents put on a nice Christmas evening together with my family, including friends in the park.

December 26

For our last day in Florida, we visited John Chesnut Senior Park one of my parents favourite places for a walk.

Before our late night flight, we had a nice alfresco dinner together, and made our way back to winter and Toronto.

Vancouver and Casablanca

Vancouver and Casablanca

Grand Cayman

Grand Cayman