

Nov 21-25


For Thanksgiving this year we flew into Kansas City.  This makes for a longer drive to Iowa City, but is quite convenient for Des Moines and has good non-stop flights from Toronto and Houston.  I flew in on Tuesday night and stayed by the airport.  Tom joined me first thing on Wednesday morning, and we made our way to Iowa City where the family gathered for a great family Thanksgiving.  After the big gathering, we headed to Des Moines for home more time with Tom’s parents,before making our way back home through Kansas City.

Nov 22

As part of our normal tradition, we have a gathering on Wednesday night at Tom’s brother’s house as the family arrives in town.

Nov 23

For Thanksgiving, we had a slow start to the day at the hotel, and then made our way back to Tom’s brother’s for the official gathering.

Nov 25

After making our way back to Des Moines, we stayed downtown for a change, and took advantage of the sunny morning to explore some of the nearby area.

After having breakfast, we make our way back to Kansas City to catch our flights to Toronto and Houston.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica

