

Sep 21-23 UA1780 IAH-YYC, AC8104 YYC-IAH

Last year with the Canada 150 we had a lot of trip to Alberta, so slowed it down a little bit this year with our first trip in September.  There was some very early winter weather in Calgary, but we didn’t let it stop us from getting out.  Drumheller has been on our list for a long time, so we headed through the snow and checked out the dinosaur country and the surrounding scenery.  The weather in Calgary continued to be pretty lousy on Sunday, but looking at the weather in Kananaskis, we decided that we’d take a chance and head to the mountains.  The gamble paid off as the skies cleared we entered the valley, and the mountains were beautiful.  It was a nice end to our quick Calgary get away.

September 22

After staying overnight near the Airport in Calgary, I drove through the fresh overnight snow to check out a local gym for one of my favourite workout classes. After spending about 10 minutes cleaning off the car, I learned the value of the available covered parking, even in September. After a late breakfast, we headed out for Drumheller to explore.

After the drive back to Calgary, we checked into the hotel and met a local friend to catch up over a nice dinner.

September 23

We woke up to a pretty grey and cold day in Calgary. Rather than hiding in the hotel, we surveyed the weather and nearby activities, and decided that we had a chance of better weather in the mountains. We ended up planning a trip south from Calgary and then back up the Kananaskis Trail, Hwy 40, through the mountains. Just as we came up through the valley, we found the nice weather we were looking for and spent the morning in the mountains.

After enjoying the mountains, we made our way back to Calgary just in time for our flights home.

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia

Norway and Svalbard

Norway and Svalbard