New York City

New York City

November 20-22, 2009

Although we’ve been to New York a number of times, the last time we traveled to New York was in February 2001.  At the time we spent some time in the financial district and in the World Trade Center complex.  It was definitely a strange experience to see the huge impact from September 11th, but a lot had not changed at all.  The first night we stayed in Jersey City on the shores of the Hudson River which both provided amazing views of the city and easy access to the city.  The second night we took advantage of a free hotel night to stay in the city and took in the new production of Hair on Broadway.  Although there is not much of a story to Hair, it was enjoyable and our first time seeing the musical.  Christmas preparations were well underway, but we were too early for all the store windows and trees to be fully out.  However, the weather was extraordinarily warm and sunny all weekend and we explored some areas of the city we had not been to before.    

Nov 20
Evening flight into New York

Nov 22
Travel back to Toronto from Newark


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