Yellowstone & Grand Teton

Yellowstone & Grand Teton

June 8-12, 2006

We had a US National Park pass from Utah/Arizona and I hadn’t seen Old Faithful.  Was a bit of a challenge figuring out how to get there, but 25,000 points puts you in Jackson Hole and the rest was easy.  Both the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone were worth the trip, but together was a great combination.  Weather was a little rainy, but found some good weather each day, particularly at the end, and overall it didn’t slow us down.  Through all of our travels, this was also the first time that we got to see a wild moose and believe me, we have tried.

Additional information:
Yellowstone National Park
Grand Teton National Park

June 9
Jackson Hole to West Yellowstone, arrived previous night

June 10
West Yellowstone to Old Faithful, via Mammoth and Roosevelt

June 11
Old Faithful to Lake Yellowstone, with detour to Canyon

June 12
Lake Yellowstone to Jackson Hole and home

Moncton & PEI

Moncton & PEI

