Salt Lake City, Arches & Canyonlands National Parks, Denver

Salt Lake City, Arches & Canyonlands National Parks, Denver

April 23-26, 2009

Having done the National Parks in Southern Utah, we were left with the parks in the Northwest.  Arches was our primary destination, but to be honest, Canyonlands was equally as spectacular. We stayed right in Moab in the middle, between the two parks.  After arriving in Salt Lake City late Thursday night, we had beautiful weather on Friday for the drive to Moab.  This gave time for a good visit of Arches that afternoon before heading into town.  To our surprise, we had landed in town in the middle of the "April Action Car Show".  With hot rods running up and down the town’s main street, and the residents sitting on lawn chairs watching the show go by, our Pontiac G6 was not exactly the star of the show.  The next day, we finished Arches and then focused on Canyonlands, while the weather was nice.  We knew there was a storm front coming in midday, so we rushed to see the highlights before the storm and only got a little wet on our last stop.  With the rain came a pretty nasty cold front and the temperature quickly went from spring to winter.  As we drove back to Salt Lake City through the mountain passes, we found some pretty nasty snow.  The city was warmer, but as it was supposed to rain all day on Sunday, we caught an earlier flight to Denver, picked up a car and explored Denver.  As this was my first time out of the airport, this was my first official visit to the state on my quest for all 50, and we actually enjoyed our short visit. 

Apr 23
Fly to Salt Lake City

Apr 24
Drive to Arches National Park and Moab

Apr 24
Arches and Canyonlands National Park and drive back to Salt Lake City

Apr 25
Salt Lake City to Denver

After the day in Denver fly home to Toronto




Vancouver & Seattle

Vancouver & Seattle