San Diego

San Diego

Feb 4-7, 2011

The weather in San Diego is great any time of year and with cheap flights to LAX it was a good excuse for a February long weekend.  With the evening arrivals we stayed near the airport and started our trip south on Saturday morning.  Traffic was surprisingly easy by LA standards and although we stopped along the way we made it to the resort on Mission Bay by midday.  We spent the afternoon enjoying the sun and walking around the beach boardwalk.  On Sunday, as we seem to do every time we go to San Diego, we headed back to Cabrillo National Monument and hiked down to the shore and explored the tidal pool area.  We then headed to La Jolla to catch the seals at sunset and have a nice seafood dinner, while everyone else in town watched the Super Bowl.  We stayed at Torrey Pines in La Jolla onSunday night and had a lazy Monday morning and drive back to LAX.  On our way out we took advantage of the hospitality of the Air New Zealand lounge and sampled some great wine and food, looking forward to our April trip.

Feb 4-5
Evening flight to LA and morning drive to San Diego

Feb 6
Day in San Diego and La Jolla

Feb 7
relaxing morning and then a drive back to LAX and home to Toronto


New York

San Francisco

San Francisco