

March 16-25, 2007

After having had a sample of Tokyo on the way to Bangkok last year, we wanted to take a more comprehensive tour of the country.  I was somewhat intimidated by the language barrier, but as the trains and most transit had English signs, we only ran into a few challenges at a couple of restaurants along the way.  We flew into Narita and had a short stopover before flying out of Haneda the next day, which was definitely an experience.  The inter-Japan flights are nothing like North America.  They fly huge planes frequently and load them efficiently – we didn’t board our 777 to Nagasaki until 15 minutes before take off, and we left with a full plane, on-time.  From Nagasaki we had a rail pass to work our way back to Tokyo.  The trains were easy and the bullet trains were very fast, allowing us to cover huge distances in a short time and backtrack as we needed.

Mar 16
Fly to Narita, train to Tokyo, stay at Century Hyatt. 

Mar 18
Fly to Nagasaki.

Mar 19
Nagasaki to Fukuoka

Mar 20
Fukuoka to Hiroshima

Mar 21
Hiroshima to Kyoto

Mar 22
Kyoto, side trip to Nara

Mar 23
Kyoto, side trip to Kobe & Osaka

Mar 24
Kyoto to Tokyo via Nagano

Mar 25
Last day in Tokyo

